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Outdoorsmans Blog

  • Stick and String Speed Goats
    February 18, 2016

    Stick and String Speed Goats

    Antelope hunting is one of those things almost anyone can do, even if they are on a tight budget. Steve Fernandez from Colorado spends much of his fall guiding elk hunters at Vermejo Park Ranch in New Mexico.  In his...

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    January 18, 2016


      TAG DRAWING 101 When it comes to killing monster bucks and bulls, many hunters believe it is a pay to play game. They believe that to kill a nice animal, you have to have a ranch tag in your...

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  • Why Mount Your Binoculars to a Tripod?
    December 8, 2015

    Why Mount Your Binoculars to a Tripod?

     It's pretty much a given, if you purchase a spotting scope you are going to use it on a tripod.  It doesn't matter if you are from New York, Wyoming or Africa, every hunter I meet understands that you can't...

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  • Window Mount for Late Season Glassing
    November 24, 2015

    Window Mount for Late Season Glassing

    When I think of the Late Season, I automatically think of inclement weather.  Many states are closed to hunting during the cold winter months due to the weather, but some states like Arizona & New Mexico have deer & elk...

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  • Is Bigger Glass always better?
    August 18, 2015

    Is Bigger Glass always better?

    "I want BIGGER binoculars, so I can look FARTHER!" While this is the newest craze among many hunters and guides in the Southwest, bigger ‪optics‬ or binoculars are not always the right tool for the job, especially when glassing for ‪‎mule deer‬...

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