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Window Mount for Late Season Glassing
by Craig Steele
When I think of the Late Season, I automatically think of inclement weather. Many states are closed to hunting during the cold winter months due to the weather, but some states like Arizona & New Mexico have deer & elk hunts that stretch as far as January.
It's important to be honest about Late Season Glassing and sometimes we can get caught up in wanting to be tough guys and not smart guys. I am the first one to want to get up on a point or away from a road to glass, but when bad weather sets in I know I have 2 choices: 1. Go back to camp and drink some java. 2. Head to the truck and glass from the vehicle.
I am not a proponent of being a lazy hunter, because 90% of the time you need to go where no one else goes. I love getting in places where most won't go, but sometimes you have to play it smart. Many late hunts are a week to 2 weeks long and you can really drain yourself (mentally & physically) by exposing yourself to the elements when you had a tool which could allow you to stay warm and dry.
Watch the Window Mount Product Video:
Below is an image of me with a client's late season mule deer. We hunted for the entire 10 day season before taking this buck. I had been hunting & scouting for 20 days total when I left & this was an example of hunting smart during inclement weather. We stayed to hunt the last weekend, when almost every other hunter went home because of the inclement weather. We paced ourselves and played it smart.