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Show Season Sales - 10% Off Outdoorsmans Products + Call for Optics Discounts
Show Season Sales - 10% Outdoorsmans Products + Call for Optics Discounts

You may or may not have noticed that we recently made some changes to the names of our products. Some of them were changed to help with clarity and lessen confusion, and some were changed because, if we’re being honest, they just didn’t make sense anymore.

Back when the binocular adapter and studs were first designed, there were only a few brands that were offering a ¼-20 mounting hole for our adapter to use. Pentax and Kahles were two of these, and what is now called the Small Binocular Stud was then called the Pentax/Kahles Stud. In today’s market, those brand names are rarely mentioned in conversations about glassing big game animals.

The Large Binocular Stud was, until recently, the Swarovski Binocular Stud. That was a remnant of the time when the SLC line from Swarovski were the only binoculars that the stud would fit. Since then, a plethora of companies have introduced large-bridged binoculars that are perfect for the Large Binocular Stud.

The names of other products like most of our adapter plates, balance plates, and some tripod accessories were changed to avoid confusion and hopefully make things just a little easier for customers trying to navigate our products for the first time.

If you are ever having trouble understanding how any of our products work together, do not hesitate to give us a call or email us. We will always listen to our customers about how to improve any aspect of our company, and if there is any confusion, we will do everything in our power to fix it.

Here is a list of the product names that just changed for your reference:


New Name

Zeiss Stud

Zeiss Binocular Stud

Outdoorsmans Extended 1/4x20 Plate

Outdoorsmans Camera Adapter Plate

Outdoorsmans 3/8 Adapter Plate

Pistol Grip Adapter Plate

Outdoorsmans 1/4-20 Adapter Plate

Outdoorsmans Adapter plate

Outdoorsmans Universal Binocular Stud

Outdoorsmans Small Binocular Stud

Outdoorsmans Rifle Rest

Outdoorsmans Folding Rifle Saddle

Outdoorsmans Swarovski Binocular Stud

Outdoorsmans Large Binocular Stud

Outdoorsmans Tall Center Post Extension

Outdoorsmans Telescoping Center Post

Outdoorsmans Short Center Post Extension

Outdoorsmans Telescoping Center Post

Outdoorsmans 1/4-20 Arca-Type Adapter Plate

Outdoorsmans to Arca Adapter Plate

Outdoorsmans 3/8 Arca-Type Adapter Plate

Outdoorsmans 3/8 Arca Adapter Plate

Outdoorsmans 1/4x20 Balance Plate

Outdoorsmans Balance Plate

Outdoorsmans Arca-Type Quick Release Plate

Outdoorsmans Arca Plate

Outdoorsmans Arca-Type Extended Quick Release Plate

Outdoorsmans Arca Balance Plate

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