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Show Season Sales - 10% Off Outdoorsmans Products + Call for Optics Discounts
Show Season Sales - 10% Outdoorsmans Products + Call for Optics Discounts

Fitting and adjusting your pack system only takes a few minutes, but it will save hours of soreness and fatigue in the field. Variables change on every hunt, from shedding layers of clothing as it heats up, to adjusting where the pack rides while carrying a heavy load. You wouldn't try putting your hunting boots on while they are still laced up, so why try doing that with your backpack?

Follow these few simple steps and carry the weight of success without the strain.

(Watch our pack fitting video here!)

The Optics Hunter is now the Palisade.

Using the same legendary frame system, we've updated the bag to meet modern requirements.

Check out the All New Palisade 90
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