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Pistol Grip Maintenance

Pistol Grip Maintenance

Our customers know that all Outdoorsmans products are backed by our lifetime service guarantee; and while we stand by that promise, dragging packs and tripods through mud, rain, rocks, and snow can affect performance throughout the life of the product. Packs get dirty, tripod heads get gritty from dirt and grime buildup, and after several hunts, things just aren’t the way you remember them. Luckily, there are a few simple things you can do to get rid of the grit and rejuvenate the silky smooth motion that made you fall in love with our products from the first day you laid eyes on them.
One comment we hear occasionally is, “I love your Pistol Grip and have used it for years. Lately, it’s making a squeaking sound while I’m glassing. How do I get rid of the noise?” The solution is quite simple. The open end on the bottom of the Pistol Grip Head allows it to oscillate around the ball joint it is mounted on; it is also where loose dirt and debris tend to build up.
With the Pistol Grip Head attached to the tripod, squeezing the pistol grip and positioning the head all the way to the left or right (such that it is at a 90º angle) will expose the ball joint. Using compressed air, blow the loose debris and dirt out of the ball joint. Continue blowing the debris while rotating the head 360º so that the entire surface of the ball joint has been cleaned. You can also do this process using a lens cloth or any type of lint-free cloth with some alcohol and wipe the exposed surface of the ball joint as you go around. Be sure to steer clear of lubricants and oils, as they will cause debris to stick to the surface of the metal and collect much faster than a dry surface.
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