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Over the years, I have hunted with the Outdoorsmans pack all over America. From the bottom of the Grand Canyon to the backcountry of the Gila in search of trophy bulls, the pack has never let me down. However, the guys at the Outdoorsmans are never satisfied.  The Long Range Pack System was good, but they wanted to make it better.  This year, they made a few changes that truly make this pack unique.  “We wanted to make the pack more user-friendly.  We have all been in the backcountry and have had a problem getting something we wanted out of our pack because some of the pockets were hard to get to.  We redesigned the pack to make it easy for hunters to get to those items they constantly use,” Cody Nelson said.  


Outdoorsmans is known for being a company that knows optics and knows how to utilize them to maximize a hunt, so it seems logical that they would put a lot of effort into building a pack that is very user friendly for the hunter who regularly relies on their binoculars or spotting scope. “Our new Long Range Pack comes with a padded optics pouch in the lid of the pack that can hold binoculars as big as a pair of 15‘s.  This pouch will protect binoculars and make it easy to get to so when a hunter sees something across the canyon and wants to look at it, they can get at their binoculars quickly instead of having to dig around for 15 minutes trying to get to their glass,” Nelson explained.  


Another change is the new pack tripod retrieval system on the side of the pack that makes getting to a tripod quick and easy. “Before we had a long pocket, getting a tripod out of the pocket took a fair amount of time.  Our new system comes with quick release buckles that keeps the tripod secure and makes getting to the tripod easy.  On the opposite side of the pack, you can store a spotting scope.  With this system, everything is at your fingertips and we all know that if getting to your optics is quick and easy, we will use them more,” Nelson added.  


The bag on the new pack can be separated from the frame of the pack without being completely removed. This leaves a large spot in between the frame and the pack to store a quarter of meat. “This feature makes packing out meat much easier.  Many packs require the bag to be removed and just the frame is used to pack out meat.  This system allows you to pack out meat and pack out your gear at the same time or pack out more meat.  This new feature keeps the meat bag secure and sandwiched between the pack frame and the pack so it doesn’t move around as you walk.  It helps you distribute the weight and keep everything secure,” Nelson noted.   


If you are looking for a new pack to use this fall, check out the New Long Range Pack System from the Outdoorsmans, you won’t be disappointed with all the new hunter-friendly features.


Outdoorsmans Long Range Pack System

The Outdoorsmans Long Range Pack System has new features that many customers have been looking for!

Check out the Long Range Pack System
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