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Show Season Sales - 10% Outdoorsmans Products + Call for Optics Discounts
Leupold is back!

Leupold is back!

Leupold is back!

Leupold Optics is storming back into the hunting optics world with all new offerings for this season, but did they ever go away? In the last few years the optics industry has seen trends come and go almost monthly. The desire of hunters to have the latest and greatest offering from the newest optics brand on the market has, in a way, left some of the best optics available forgotten about on the shelves. Thankfully the new offerings from your Grandfathers favorite optics company will bring them back to the top of many rifles going to the mountains this hunting season.

 When hunters think of Leupold the first thing that comes to mind is the VX series of scopes. That classic streamlined scope with its high gloss paint topped some of the first sporterized Mausers that you can still find in the gun cabinet of many homes across the west. The new VX-HD series of scopes is a far cry from those classic offerings, but will hold up just as well. Leupold didn’t just give the new VX-HD a cosmetic make over, they gave hunters features many have been asking for very long time.

 Firedot duplex

In the new VX-6HD and even newer VX-5HD hunters will notice an upgraded optical clarity only found in other higher end scope offerings. Easy ocular focus adjustments and a parallax adjustment allow for perfect target acquisition while allowing your cross hairs to always stay crystal clear. Leupold didn’t stop there though. They also upgraded there well known CDS turret system.

 The new CDS-ZL2 will now allow hunters to get close to two full revolutions out of your turret with 75 MOA of adjustment in the 30mm scope tube. Thankfully Leupold is keeping their user friendly custom turret ordering system to allow you to just range, dial, and shoot in the field! Once the VX-HD of your choice is topped on your favorite rifle, you can get on Leupold’s website and order your CDS-ZL2 turret. The best part is you receive the first turret free with the purchase of the scope and each one after that is only $60!


The company once thought to be the pinnacle of hunting optics, has come back to the top of the hill with these two new offerings and that is only a taste of the new products to come this year! Hopefully the next review will be on the long awaited 15 power binos they are bringing to market later this year! Stay tuned!

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