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Show Season Sales - 10% Outdoorsmans Products + Call for Optics Discounts


In the field finding the right position to make that perfect shot can be difficult. We put together a short list of shooting positions using our gear to help you prepare for making every shot count.

The V

Having a quick and easy solution for a shooting rest is a very important. You may not have the option of laying prone or even sitting down for every shot you take. The shooting V offers a very simple answer to that problem. It is cut for our proprietary dovetail quick release so it can be slid onto the top of any Outdoorsmans tripod heads. It is also threaded for 1/4 at the bottom to allow any quick release plate to be attached.

Get Going on the Kneeling Wheelbarrow

Outdoorsmans Longrange Rear Rifle Support

Long Range Rear Rifle Support

Finding a rear support can sometimes be the hardest part of building a solid shooting platform. A rear rest also just happens to be the most important piece of the puzzle. The LRRS allows you to always have a rear rest available no matter what situation you are in. It can accommodate any type of rifle and can be used with many different front support systems. The arm LRRS can attach to any round tripod leg that is 1 1/8" in diameter or smaller. It has a quick adjustment feature to get it into position, and also a micro adjustment feature to make those small adjustments to get on target.

Get your Afternoon Delight.

Outdoorsmans Optics Hunter Pack System

Outdoorsmans Backpacks

All outdoorsmans backpacks with our full sized pack frame have a built in shooting rest on the top of the frame. You may not have your tripod handy, or you may not have time to build the perfect rest but you always have your pack. Or you should always have your pack at least. The solid frame makes for a perfect rest for almost any situation.

Find Stability with the Crouching Tiger

The Rifle Rest

Most rifle rests are large with an odd shape to them that never seem to fit into a pocket or pouch on your pack. The Rifle Rest solves that problem by conveniently folding into a flat and packable shape. The two shooting Vs on the Rifle Rest provide a very solid platform to rest any rifle. The dual Vs also have the benefit of being able to support a rifle without you holding it. Which can be very convenient during stressful shooting situations.

Cross The Bridge
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