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Outdoorsmans Blog

  • Quality Optics Supply & Demand
    September 4, 2018

    Quality Optics Supply & Demand

    The optics industry is a fast-moving creature that offers many innovations for us to utilize in our never-ending thirst for the best of the best. So, when the heavy hitters release something new and exciting, you naturally want to get your hands on it right away. The problem is that oftentimes you can’t. And most of the time, neither can we.
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  • Challenge Accepted
    September 5, 2017

    Challenge Accepted

      By: Jake Rush, Outdoorsmans Store Manager. The worst part of any hunt, whether successful or not, is the day after it comes to an end. If it was a success, you don’t want that feeling to be over. You...

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  • Leupold binoculars
    August 29, 2017

    Leupold Santiam 15x56

    When I started hunting, my mentor told me that the only pair of binoculars you will ever need is a decent pair of 10x50s. However, after my first Coues deer hunt in Southern Arizona, I realized that ten power binos...

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  • Worth the Weight
    April 11, 2016

    Worth the Weight

    We get calls here in the shop on a daily basis asking about spotting scopes and what makes one better than another, or why should they get this scope over that scope. We can spew the numbers from manufactures catalogs...

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