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Kevin Passmore hauling out a Mule Deer with the Outdoorsmans Pack!
The Outdoorsmans Pack System consists of the Optics Hunter Pack & the Long Range Pack.  These two pack systems have the same rugged durability, comfort & pocket layouts, which are designed for the serious glassing western hunter.  Both of our packs have the external polymer frame, which is ergonomically designed to flex with the hunter wearing the pack.    
Outdoorsmans Long Range & Optics Hunter Packs
The Optics Hunter Pack is 6,000 cubic inches & weighs in at 7 Ibs 3 3/4 oz.  The Long Range Pack simply expands the top half of the pack and allows for up to 8,000 cubic inches & weighs just a fraction more than the Optics Hunter Pack.
Outdoorsmans Accessory Pod
The Outdoorsmans accessory pod will give either of these packs an additional 2,000 cubic inches of space.  It simply attaches on the outside of either of the Outdoorsmans Pack Systems with our loop & buckle system.  


Watch as Chris Denham of Western Hunter & Elk Hunter Magazines explains the functions & sizes of the Outdoorsmans Pack Systems:

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